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  • Monday09am - 05pm
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  • Wednesday09am - 05pm
  • Thrusday09am - 05pm
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CBSE Affiliation Number - 2132982
CBSE Affiliation Number - 2132982


Education is a process of culture. The principle of culture is being grossly neglected in the modern education system. The education system should be oriented towards development of moral character and cultural personality along with knowledge and intelligence. Education is the practice of knowledge. Knowledge is the light of the soul. Knowledge is revealed only through the unveiling of the soul. Education is to express this inherent power of knowledge. The word education is derived from the root ‘Shiksha’ which means acquiring knowledge. In short, the objective of education is to make the learner a complete human being. Complete humanity means complete coordination, harmony and balance of the metaphysical and spiritual elements in humans. Due to lack or imbalance of spirituality, man becomes a demon and he becomes a terror for the society. Due to this the social system gets disturbed.
Living life is one thing and living a special life is another thing. A life which can become an example for others is a special life. A life which can reveal all the possibilities of development is a special life. There is a combination of many elements in the creation of life. Some of those elements are culture, environment, mother's personality and education etc.

Living life is one thing and living a special life is another thing. A life which can become an example for others is a special life. A life which can reveal all the possibilities of development is a special life. There is a combination of many elements in the creation of life. Some of those elements are culture, environment, mother's personality and education etc.
In reality, it is only education that can build life. In order to give a constructive twist to education from the point of view of overall development of life, it is necessary to arrange for some specific training in addition to the prescribed curriculum. In order of specific training - education of life values, education of human relations, education of emotional development and education of coordination of theory and practice.
Curiosity arises in the child only through education. Due to curiosity, the child understands everything with great detail and a desire to do something arises in him, which can provide an integral personality to the child. This is the science of life. Life science is an art that brings balance between intellectual and emotional development.
To reach here, there can be no teacher better than the mother who can provide primary education to the child. If the mother wants, she can make the child's life spiritual by teaching the child about values, civilization and culture and like Madalsa, by teaching the real aim of education is self-knowledge. Only a spiritual citizen can develop his family and society. Therefore, for the development of the country, we all should take a pledge to improve children's education.

The scriptures say – “Kratumayoam Purushah” i.e. man is kratumaya – sa yatkraturbhavati tatkarma kurute tadmisampaghate. That is, a man behaves as he resolves, he becomes as he behaves.” Therefore, man should resolve to have good thoughts. Good character is formed only by resolving good thoughts. Bad thoughts and bad company should be completely abandoned. Many people, trapped in the circle of bad thoughts and bad company, are unable to free themselves from their misbehavior and bad character even if they want to. Promises are made again and again and they become broken promises. For example, a person indulging in drug addiction and other addictions commits suicide again and again due to this preoccupation with evil thoughts and attachment to bad company.
It is undeniable that human life is the best life. The excellence of human life does not come from physical fitness or economic prosperity but from character development. Only a person who is progressive in character is capable of achieving all the progress. To achieve character development is the ultimate goal, ultimate duty and ultimate religion of man. Some great writer has written-

न कुलं वृत्तहीनस्य प्रमाणमिति में मति: |
अन्तेष्वपि हि जातानां वृत्तमेव हि विशिष्यते |

To make children cultured, all three, parents, teachers and children will have to make efforts.
Even if a characterless person has a good family, he is considered to be of low class and if a person born in a lowly family has a good character then he will be considered good.
Character means nature, behavior or that work of life which reveals a person's ability, humanity, devotion to duty etc. In this sense, words like character and character etc. are used. The history of the world is witness to the fact that a person becomes a great man only if he has good character. The conduct as per the scriptures of a Rishi, Muni, Shishta, Apta and Sadhusant Mahatma is good conduct or good character and men with such good character are also good character.
A person with character is as serious as the ocean, as patient as a woman, as bright as the sun, as cool as the moon, as soft as a flower and as hard as a thunderbolt. Even when faced with many adversities, he does not deviate from his duty. In fact, Jitendraya is the strength of character. Sachcharitra is the driving force of good actions and feelings. Therefore, it has full inclusion of all human qualities, goodness, largeness of heart, sacrifice, service, forgiveness, strength, humility, truth, honesty, patience, duty, devotion and self-control etc. Napoleon Bonaparte's teachings were - Be a man of action and character. Indian religious texts have given special emphasis on change of heart and character building. It is from these two that humanity has emerged. In ancient Indian tradition, that rule was considered pleasant and superior. In which the civil life has been full of good character and good intentions. In this regard, the famous writer Spencer has said-
True criterion of good goverment is not the increase of wealth and population, it is the creation of character and personality.
That is, the meaning of good and successful governance is not the increase in property and human count, but the building of character strength and personality.
Therefore, we all should be determined to build our character and should not only try to inculcate the values of character in our children by creating a virtuous environment in our families but should also make strong resolve. If we become characterful then the house will be characterful. If the house is full of character then the whole country will be full of character. Due to which our country will again attain its glory.
Hearty congratulations to the school family, respected parents, Acharya family and sisters on the publication of the school's grand magazine Sankalp.

Cultures have great importance in human life. Purity, brightness, sweetness and romantic wisdom blossom in the human being who is adorned with cultured values. A person without values remains deprived of the best set of qualities. Due to lack of values, man gets distracted from his path and becomes disoriented from his duty. It is only because of values that man gets fame and prosperity in the society. In the explanation of a sutra of Mimamsa philosophy, Shabar Swami has explained the word Sanskar in this way. “Samskaro naam sa bhavati yasmin jaateo bhavati yogah kasyachidarthasya” i.e. sanskar is that due to which a thing or a person becomes capable of any work. Acharya Charak says – ‘Sanskaro hi Gunantaradhaanamuchyate’ (Charak Samhita, Viman 1/27) i.e. the avoidance of vices and faults and the transformation of qualities and infusing them with different and new qualities is Sanskar.
In Manusmriti there is a description of sixteen rituals from conception to funeral. These sanskars create auspicious values in human life. We think about those auspicious values.
Home is the mother of values. Therefore, the work of educating the child will have to be done from home itself.

Mother is the first teacher of the child, she easily inculcates qualities like respect, affection, morality and discipline in him. It is only in a family school that a child is able to understand the difference between good and bad, hence in this school it is necessary for the teachers, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. to be restrained, dignified, cultured, religious and spiritual. Only then can they present ideals. Today, parents do not have time to do the important work of patiently imparting values to their children. Perhaps parents today envision keeping their children happy and prosperous by providing material resources. But we will have to abandon this misconception and make up our mind to leave only the wealth in the form of good values to the children. A culture-filled environment has to be created in the family. Parents will have to take a vow to create an environment of values in their children that are of excellent quality. To strengthen the future generation in their thoughts, words and actions, there will be a confluence of policy, power, devotion and strategy. If every family learns to keep its courtyard clean, the entire society will become clean and bright. Corruption and immorality will be eliminated from the country. And our country will again become a country of Ram's ideal.
To make children cultured, all three, parents, teachers and children will have to make efforts.
Parent- Jin TV If serials or programs on channels have a negative impact on the child's mind, do not watch them yourself or let your children watch them. Wake up yourself in the morning during Brahmamuhurta and make the child try to see the hands, greet the Lord and greet the elders. Inspire him to walk on the right path with the biographies and memoirs of great men. Do not consume alcohol, smoke etc. in front of the child.
Teacher: Along with teaching, it is the duty of a teacher to give moral advice also. Make students practice being disciplined, dignified and cultured. Inspire to study the biographies and good literature of great men.
Child: A child should try to live his life according to the teachings of his parents and teachers. One should stay away from bad company and keep good company. One should be careful in choosing friends. One should move towards one's goal by acquiring values, morality and virtues.
We hope that our parents will also take a pledge that they will create a similar environment in their families so that the values imparted in our school can be strengthened at home also.